Neighbourhood Plan Supporting Documents
These documents are in two groups:
Evidence Base
Material compiled as part of the production of the NP and to support the Plan:
EB1: Parish Portrait (2022, updated 2024) published by WPC. A detailed description of the area: its geography, history, heritage, facilities and demography, which supports the Plan. See left hand panel to download as a .pdf.
EB2: Survey Report (2021, updated 2024) published by WPC. The results and analysis of the Parish-wide survey to elicit the views and opinions of residents regarding their issues and aspirations, which formed the foundation of much of the Plan’s content. See left hand panel to download as a .pdf.
EB3: Open Spaces (2024) published by WPC as a guide to the open spaces around the Parish, to publicise and encourage their use for exercise and leisure. See left hand panel to download as a .pdf.
EB4: Basic Conditions Statement (2024) published by WPC. Sets out how our NP meets the requirements of each basic condition and other legal tests. At May 2024, this document is being compiled and so is not yet available.
EB5: Basic Consultation Statement (2024) published by WPC. Describes the consultation process for the Plan, the comments and representations made and the response to that feedback. At May 2024, this document is being compiled and so is not yet available.
Supporting Information
Material published independently from but having a close bearing on the NP and providing helpful reference material. Click on the title of a document to download a .pfdf version (2021 Census results are available from the website quoted).
R1: Digswell Character Study (2003) published by WHBC and adopted as supplementary planning guidance in 2004; a consultancy report on the Digswell area exploring it in fine detail
R2: Welwyn Village Conservation Area Report (2023) published by WHBC following their 2022/23 Review (the conservation area was originally adopted in 1968); other than minor changes it continues to include the core centre of the village and the variety of buildings, spaces and streetscapes that make it unique.
R3: Welwyn – A Village Appraisal (1978) compiled by the Welwyn Planning & Amenity Group, as a contribution to the version of the District Plan then being prepared (for Welwyn Hatfield District Council before the change to Borough Council).
R4: Welwyn Parish Plan (2008) published by WPC. In many ways this valuable document is a precursor to the Neighbourhood Plan.
R5: Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Local Plan (2016) approved and published in its final form in October 2023. This final version includes all the changes to comply with the Inspector’s direction to achieve “sustainable” status. There are supplementary documents available from here, or and the many supporting reports (in the “EX” series of papers) available from Both the websites quoted are WHBC and not the responsibility of WPC.
R6: 2021 Census results published by The Office for National Statistics. For more information please visit: Note that at April 2021 the full detail used for the Plan and Evidence Base is not readily available for the web site; the numbers were compiled by the WHBC Planning Department specifically for the NP from analysis and filtering of the main dataset. We anticipate full analysed and compiled data down to parish level will eventually be available.
R7: The Case for a Local Landscape Designation (2022) prepared by David Rixson and published by Tewin Parish Council; a compilation of evidence to support a local landscape designation of the area of the Mimram valley lying within Tewin Parish
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