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Neighbourhood Development Plan site

Neighbourhood Plan Documents

Neighbourhood Plans (or to give them their full title, Neighbourhood Development Plans – NP’s or NDP’s) are devised and produced by parish or town councils (and under certain circumstances, other bodies) under the authority granted by the Localism Act 2011, which provides the statutory regime.

Secondary legislation (The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)), provides the detailed requirements; in particular Regulation 14 and 16 state the requirement for consultation when drafting a Plan, what publicity is necessary and the arrangements for independent examination of the draft Plan.

This website is the primary means we will use to explain in detail what is happening with our Plan: news, events and documents; all completed documents will be published or available from here, for download.

There are two subsidiary panels:

Top Left – Published documents for downloading

The draft Plan and all completed Evidence Base documents and reports are listed here for download in .pdf format via the links given. There are the complete documents and in some cases individual sections for download, which may be easier if a specific aspect only is required.

Bottom Left – Questions and Answers about Neighbourhood Plans and documents for our plan

  • Information about the history and progress of our Plan.
  • Questions and Answers about various aspects of Neighbourhood Plans.
  • Supporting Documents (in .pdf format): material from Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council (e.g. The Local Plan and additional related documentation); other material produced by The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (e.g. the Evidence Base documents) which can be downloaded via the top left panel.  The Evidence Base documents in particular, contain the information that provides the basis of our NDP.