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Neighbourhood Plan Open Spaces

In compiling the Neighbourhood Plan, one of the aspects was “Green Infrastructure” which was indicated as being of great importance to respondents of the survey. It soon became apparent that to give a detailed entry into the Plan or even in the Parish Portrait, would be a potentially large section. When the detail had been drafted, it was decided to publish it as a separate document, not just to save space in the other two documents but to appeal to anyone who wanted to roam around, visit and enjoy these spaces. The spaces range from the wider expanses of Danesbury Park, Mardley Heath and even Singlers Marsh, to small areas of grass and trees in housing estates e.g. The Crescent, Glebe Road and Mornington; and so Open Spaces was born! We hope it stimulates some interest about the locality and leads to protection for these valued areas.  

The complete Open Spaces booklet is available to download in .pdf format at the top left panel. You will need a copy of either Adobe Acrobat Reader or another .pdf Viewer to read these files.