Welwyn High Street update
Following feedback and a successful bid to the Government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund, Hertfordshire County Council will be overseeing the implementation of planters, bollards and other interim measures in town centres countywide. This is in order to remove temporary measures, such as barriers and will be taking place over the upcoming week.
During week commencing 16 November, planters will be installed in Welwyn village, replacing the current orange barriers.
The implementation of planters will enable a 20mph speed limit, this traffic calming measure will ensure pedestrians remain safe when choosing to socially distance within the carriageway.
These measures will be put in place ready for when the current lockdown restrictions are lifted, businesses reopen, and pedestrians can safely return to the high street.
Please respect the road closures and play your part in making Welwyn village safe for all to use.
This campaign:
- Encourages social distancing within town centres, including supporting the most vulnerable within the community.
- Provides economic benefit to local businesses and eateries, including street trading and al fresco dining.
- Supports active travel, including walking and cycling.