Cllr Magdalene Benson

Contact Magdalene Benson, representing Welwyn village.
“My husband Alan and I have lived in Welwyn since 1981. Our three children went to St.Mary’s school, where I was a governor and a member of the parent’s association. I am a retired teacher, I taught for 10 years in a local secondary school. In my thirty-seven years of living in Welwyn I have been a member of a number of local organisations, playgroup, local amenity group and various others. So I feel I have a broad understanding of most local issues. I was elected to the Parish Council in 1984, and have served as both Chairman and Vice Chairman. I have also Chaired a number of different committees and presently I am the Chairman of the Leisure Facilities & Open Spaces Committee. I also serve on the Planning & Licensing Committee, Car Park Committee and Human Resources Committee. I feel Parish Councils have a very important role as the first level of local government, with a responsibility to respond to the needs of the local community and provide the services they want. I see my role is to listen and represent those demands and try to deliver where possible for Welwyn Parish.”
Membership of Committees
- Human Resources Committee
- Leisure Facilities & Open Spaces Committee
- Planning & Licensing Committee
- Community Engagement Committee
- Full Council
- Finance Committee
- Burnham Green Joint Management Committee
- Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
- Climate Emergency Action Group
All councillors can be written to at: Welwyn Parish Council, Parish Centre, Lockleys Drive, Welwyn,Hertfordshire, AL6 9NT.
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