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Parking within Welwyn

The majority of parking in the Parish is free thanks to the support of local residents and Welwyn Parish Council.  When Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council moved to make the local car parks “pay and display”, local residents agreed that they would prefer to pay through the parish precept to keep it free!

Welwyn Parish Council currently pays over £25,000 a year towards the leasing, maintenance and policing of the car parks owned by Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council with the vast majority providing all-day availability to visitors as well as local businesses and residents.  This is in addition to the money spent on those owned and maintained by the Parish Council itself.  We believe the availability of free parking encourages the economic health of the village and the businesses located here, especially our shops, pubs and restaurants.

In Welwyn Village there are six car parks which provide all day parking facilities for free.  These are:

  • Whitehill, AL6 9FN (next door to Acorn Playgroup and Pre-School off School Lane – please note this car park has a height restriction barrier.)
  • Ottway Walk, AL6 9AS  (adjacent to the Welwyn Sports & Social Club and Playing Fields and Children’s Play Area – please note this car park has a height restriction barrier).
  • Lockleys Drive, AL6 9NT  (adjacent to the Parish Council allotments – please note this car park has a height restriction barrier.)
  • Titmus Yard, AL6 9LW  (this car park has restricted manoeuvring space.)
  • Broomfield Road, AL6 9DW (this is a very small car park with a height restriction barrier and restricted manoeuvring space)
  • the Civic Centre, AL6 9ER  – NOTE this car park is controlled by a barrier which opens for access from 9.30am to 11pm and parking prioritised for users of the Civic Centre.

Please click here to see a map of the location of our car parks.

Please note that the only parking time limits currently in force are at the High Street Car Park AL6 9EQ which is limited to 90 minutes.* (8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday)*

Penalty Charge Notices are issued by Civil Enforcement Officers (Traffic Wardens) within Welwyn Parish when you park on double yellow lines, single yellow lines during restricted periods, or overstay in the High Street Car Park or on-street parking bays.  There are a few other occasions you might receive a ticket, such as parking in a disabled bay without showing a badge, or parking outside of a marked bay.

Welwyn Parish Council receives no income from this, and has to pay towards enforcement.  We use enforcement to help keep roads clear of obstruction and prevent abuse of the short stay car park, which is designed to help people get in and out quickly for shopping.

If you want to find out more, or pay a PCN, please visit or call 01279 655261